Saturday, May 24, 2008

Lena Dropped by today!

Nathan said hello to his cousin today. It was a pleasant surprise....

She is 2 months older.

Meet the fourth addition to our family... a new grill.... :)

So this is how it all went. Youngun is a hardcore grill master. He gets me all excited about grilling. So I bought a small transportable grill from home depot for $20. Then I found that it's too flimsy and I tossed it. Then I went to Walmart and bought another $20 grill...a little more sturdy. It's nice.... It has a nice air vent on the bottom and the top... Sturdy... Simple... I was good to go and I digged through my freezer and took out some freezer burned pork and grilled it up! It was absoltely nasty! It was probably in the freezer for years... Still I was having fun on my new grill... Here is the picture of my new small grill.

Afterwards, I went upstairs and watched Good Eats about Grilling. The smart cook guy goes on to describe his "perfect grill". A Nice wide grill pad (mine was slim chrome), A thermometer on the hood (mine didn't have it), Air vent (mine had it. YES!), Ability to lower and raise the coals (mine didn't have it)... 1 out of 4... That was just sad... But then, I am not a professional like Youngun, so I was still satisfied.

Later that night, I went to pick up my father from the airport and we dropped by Fry's to pick up some steak and lo and behold, there were grills on display. I looked around and I found this had all four qualifications mentioned above and I had to get it! The grill itself cost $88...and I paid another $45 for the smoker addition.... but it is a thing of beauty... I grilled my steak in the bad boy and it tasted goooood..... Too bad Nathan can't enjoy a steak yet.... Ellie had some... I included the picture of our fourth addition to our family...

The little round dial on the top is the thermometer on the hood...

The little handles on the sides raises and lowers the charcoals....
The grills are nice and wide with lots of surface area...
The smoker on the side can be used to heat the meat indirectly or smoke the meat.
The airvent on the side can be used to let the air in and carry the heat to the meat...

See? Four out of four.... I don't really like to throw parties...but now that I have the grill... I think I have to... :)

Monday, May 19, 2008

Four Days Old...

Four days old...eating, pooping, sleeping, crying...and keeping the parents awake... but overall, a well mannered baby.
The baby has lots of hair on his arms....definitely a Choi...

Meena's family

The first one is soooo Mee-Na

Sandy's family

Dan's baby is growing up to be cuuuute

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Videos of Aiden when he was young

When Aiden was 2 months old...

Ellie when she was young...

Video of Ellie when she was two???

Ellie Playing With Aiden Oct 2006

October 2006.
This is the video RIGHT AFTER the birth of Nathan. 3/15/2008. The baby came out so fast that I didn't get a chance to start the video camera...
This movie shows the difference between by first child and my second child. It was taken during my trip to San Diego in April 2008, one month before Nathan was born.

Ellie Recites Psalms 23

Ellie has been memorizing Psalms 23 in her spare time... 3/17/08

Baby Nathan is Born.

Cyworld was very difficult to keep up due to many of my friends not being a member of it. Hope this new site is easier to manage. Anyway, the mother had contractions off and on for the last week, but they were irregular and usually came on at night, lasting anywhere from 1-4 hours. On Thursday morning of 5/15, she woke me up because her contractions had been 4 minutes consistently. She had taken a shower and put on make up prior to waking me up. I got up, rubbed my eyes, put my clothes on, gathered the things, lead her into the car and drove to the hospital. I used my ID to get into the labor and delivery room straight away and got her settled. The nurses checked her and she was 7 cm dilated at the time of check in. She was 4 cm dilated the week prior, checked by her OB/GYN. Now the whole time, I was focusing all my energy to keep my mouth shut. The first two pregnancies were of me being anxious and yapping and commenting about everything. I get talkative and use humor when I'm nervous. Anyway, that annoyed her to no end while she was in pain. Hence, this time around, all my energy was focused on standing there holding her hand and keeping my mouth shut. I had recorded a sound of a vacuum cleaner, because that soothed her. And she started humming, "Amazing love how can it be, that you my king would die for me." and I hummed that with her while waiting for the contractions to come and go. They called the OB/GYN right away. She refused epidural. We had gotten to the hospital around 6AM...I having been woken up around 5:30AM. They put an IV in her....after the third try because her vein keeps blowing up. After the OB/GYN arrived and checked her, she told her it's going to happen very soon and she left to wait outside. Eun Young's water broke. Then Eun Young said, "I want to push." We pushed the nurse button. The OB/GYN came in. She was putting on her sterile robe when she said, "Hold on. I can see the head." She barely put the robe on when she said, "go ahead and push" One push and I saw the hair of the child. Second push and the head was out. That was 8:07AM. The baby cried healthily and the body and the placenta came out easily. I cut the umbilical cord. The baby cried for 1 minute then stopped. And I praised the Lord that God has given me another child with a temperament of Ellie. When Ellie popped out, she cried for a short time, then stopped and looked around. Aiden, on the other hand, cried loud and long, and still cries to this day. They asked me if I wanted to circucise the baby, and I said, "no" Paul said there is no point in circumcision and if you will argue about it then go the whole way. I would like my baby to keep his manhood. Aiden was circumcised though, just in case the Jews were right. The baby ate like crazy the first day, then slept the whole second day, and since then ate like crazy at night, poops all night, then sleeps all day. I thank God for my third and last child and for his mild temperament and extremely healthy body and health.