Monday, July 28, 2008

New Blogger

I will admit that I am an inexperienced blogger, but circumstances have forced me to take up this task. So, I will pick up where my husband left off. Our baby Nathan is already two months old and about 15 pounds. The pictures posted below were taken at Asher's birthday party. (7/26/08) He just turned one. Ellie and Aiden are trying their best to get along. They have acknowledged that they are "best friends" but I don't think their definition of friends includes sharing food or toys.

O.P insists that Nathan looks like my mom. He calls Nathan "jangmonim"
I'm not going to say Asher is a bully, but pictures don't lie :)
I think Aiden has grown up a lot recently. I hardly recognize him.
In this picture, I am in my usual state of tiredness. Nathan wakes up 3 to 4 times a night. He also has GERD so I have to keep him upright for a while before putting him back down into his crib (which is elevated on one side)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I've been busy at work due to the workload doubling since one of my associate/boss have gone to India for vacation. :) Excuses Excuses. My son is growing fast. Smiling and Cooing now. Quite a well behaved baby. I'll try and post pictures this weekend.