Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Meltdowns and New Routines

With the start of flu season, the children and I were sick for a while and I was feeling pretty overwhelmed. What started out as a way to give mom a break became a new routine. My husband now gets the children ready for bed and makes sure they sleep. Aiden was absolutely opposed to this plan. But when he realized that we were not going to be moved by his screaming and crying, he gave in. The children are sleeping now: that is why I am able to post to this blog today. Starting tomorrow I will post pictures....probably.
Ellie loves preschool. The thing I find interesting is that when I ask her what she did in school, she will say, "I don't remember", but then later on that day or on another day she will randomly recall an event that went on that day. Tonight, out of the blue, she said, "Mom, when I was sitting on the sand today, I prayed." I asked her why she did this. She said she didn't have anything to do while she was sitting on the sand (in the playground) and just prayed for her friends to play well together. Huh. That was interesting.
Aiden is always saying "nabbunnohm". This is not a nice word and I do not know how to get him to stop. He also doesn't like to speak in Korean anymore. When I ask him to, he asks me to take a "time-out". (in English, of course). This is somewhat upsetting because I really thought it was cute when he spoke in Korean. I think his grandparents might be a little sad too.
Nathan is losing some of his baby fat. I wish I had more time to play with him. It seems like I just transport him from place to place as I supervise the other children and do other household chores.
I'm starting to feel a little hungry so I will be ending the post now.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Nathan did it!!

Nathan rolled over by himself for the first time on Monday, October 6, 2008. He is about 4 and a half months old. This is quite an accomplishment in our family because my other two children rolled over when they were about 6 months. Yay Nathan! This may be an indication of events to come ;) He He. So I will post a couple of pictures of him that we took at Anna's house. She bought him the cute outfit that he is wearing. The little boy in the picture is Michael, Anna's son. Actually, he is not so little. He is quite tall for his age and the envy of many mothers :)