Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Nathan did it again.

Nathan flipped over from his tummy to his back today. Now he can roll and roll and roll. This is the reason I am blogging today.

But so much has happened since I last posted comments. The kids had fun on Halloween. Ellie won third place for making a pumpkin out of construction paper. She said the friend that placed first had help from an adult. For half a day she kept complaining that she only placed third because I didn't help her. I kept trying to explain that third place was something to be very proud of, especially since she did it herself. I don't know if she got it. Luckily, first place and third place received the same prize: a bag of candy. Of course Ellie wanted to be a princess. Aiden was only interested in the candy. Aiden also handed candy out to trick or treaters at our house. He did a really good job. A 7 year old boy came dressed as the incredible hulk and had a green mask as well. Aiden was so scared he drew back. The boy lifted his mask and Aiden laughed and gave him a piece of candy. It was so cute. Aiden kept saying "there you go" as he handed out the candy and then said "Happy Halloween" as they were leaving.
Last weekend Ellie and Aiden went to a wedding with their grandparents. Ellie had a lot of fun with her aunt there. Aiden was a handful. Once they got back, his grandparents vowed never to take him anywhere. :)
Aiden also seems to be taking after his sister. He likes coloring and drawing. He also really likes to be read to. It is a fun age. He is also really responding well to discipline. I found it really hard to discipline him because he cried alot and his grandparents were softies. We really cracked down on Aiden while his grandparents were away and have tried to continue being consistent with discipline since they have been back.


Heidi said...

Hi Ellen ~ I love the new pictures you posted!! Let us know if a Spaghetti Factory meeting is in order... we'd love to see the Parks! Love you lots, Heidi

Anonymous said...

은영아 안녕
나 영주야
그사이에 벌써 셋째가 태어 났구나
막내가 너무귀엽다
얼마전 전화했었는데 통화 못하고
메세지만 남겼어
아이들 셋 키우느라 힘들지?
하지만 이제 어느정도 자리가 잡힌것 같다
우리가 Flushing에서 유모차 끌고 다니면서 돌아다니던 때가 아직도 기억이 난다
그때 니가 영어도 가르쳐주고 그랬쟎아
지금 생각해도 너무 고맙고 즐거웠던
언제 다시 만날지는 모르겠지만
건강히 잘 지내고 전화통화 한번 하자